Overseas Short-term Program


Overseas Short-term Program

If you don't step out, you will never know how far you can go


International Area

Mainland China Area

  • FCU encourages students to explore partner universities during winter and summer vacation, providing them with the opportunity to enhance language ability, professional subjects, and academic research. Most importantly, it helps students to meet foreign students and to experience the cultural differences.
  • Overseas short-term programs in the winter and summer vacation are all run by partner schools. The application quota and related fees, regulations and procedures are all set by the partner schools. Details of activities, fees, and admissions will be subject to announcements from each partner school.
  • Participating students need to bear the related expenses incurred by studying abroad, including passport, visa fees, round-trip air tickets, tuition fees, accommodation fees, meals, living expenses, etc.


  • 每期遊學團開放的學校、內容及名額皆不固定,依國際處公布資訊為主。
  • 有效台胞證、護照為申請時重要文件,資料繳交完整度將部分影響錄取結果。
  • 若遊學團為落地接待,參加同學僅需負擔證件辦理費(護照及台胞證)、來回機票、個人在地零用金及保險等費用。
  • 報名前請務必與家長充分討論且取得同意,並審慎思考個人身心情況後再進行報名。
  • 申請時至活動結束須為須為本校在學之學士班(含進修部)或碩、博士班一年級(含)以上學生,如有其他規定,依當期公告為主。
  • 若錄取後因非不可抗力因素放棄,將影響未來申請本處活動之審核資格。
  • 大陸地區遊學團皆為團進團出,來回機票將由本處代訂。
  • 錄取後,需繳交活動保證金新台幣2,000元。活動結束後需繳交500字中文心得,另附2到5張圖片,且完成出國研習志工時數10小時(以遊學經驗作品或分享會為主)。完成以上事項將不加利息全額退還保證金。